
Dnd character sheet online fillable
Dnd character sheet online fillable

Corrected conditional formatting for encubrance & adjusted colors (A.Á¾ãšã¯ã‚ªãƒ Included instructions for using ALT+Enter to create more lines in a field. ➜ Merged magic items, misc possessions, additional class info, and misc info fields to better support multi-line data. ➜ Merged feats, languages, special abilities and other fields to better support multi-line data.

dnd character sheet online fillable

Shifted Downtime, HD, and Death Saves to be more flexible and easy to use for other metrics as desired. ➜ Added dropdown boxes for Hit Dice Types and auto-calculation of HP based on selection (C. ➜ Added checkboxes for ammo and death saves (removed graphics) for digital users (A. Dodd) - if you create additional spell sheets, be sure to create new Named Ranges for those yourself. ➜ Created Named Ranges for Spell DC and Spell Attack fields for easy recall in formulas (C. ➜ Added prepared spells column that counts number of prepped spells.

dnd character sheet online fillable

Now automatically populates with Known Spells. MAJOR CHANGES to Spell Sheet - See Spells instructions above for details.

dnd character sheet online fillable

➜ Fixed Poison Spray (save for 0) and added source & page to spellsheet (H.Smith) ➜ Added Checkboxes to Master Spell List Tab, allowing you to check Spells Known (T. ➜ Added Slicers and to easily Filter spells by level, ritual, class, known, etc. ➜ Added Version Checker on Readme to automatically notify you if your version of the sheet is out of date. ➜ Created Google Group and link for users to join in order to receive updates to the sheet! See link in yellow, above.

Dnd character sheet online fillable